
A map showing italian restaurants in Virginia

Exploring different ways to make sense of OpenStreetMap data.

Uncovering medical device ancestry from the FDA's 510k data and creating a free website for exploring it.

A screenshot of the FDA's 510k databse in October, 2000

Writing userscripts to optimize my data entry workflow with the FDA's 510k database.

A comparison of two OSM import communication channels

Comparing two different channels that OpenStreetMap contributors use to discuss data imports.

A map of Virginia showing driving distance to hospitals.

Using OpenStreetMap data to craft a self-hosted interactive map of hospital accessibility in Virginia.

A screenshot of

My reflections on making a stateful webapp at minimal cost, using Python, NextJS, and PostgreSQL.

A screenshot of a map showing Denver

Improving my self hosted maps stack by moving to Headway.

Routing from DC to Seattle on my Self Hosted Setup.

Self hosting a software stack to replace Google Maps on an unused gaming PC.

Pedestrian isochrone map of Richmond, Virginia. Map copyright Openstreetmap.

Measuring urban walkability using isochrone maps and Valhalla on openstreetmap data

A correlation matrix of shared spices in recipes.

Finding trends in a dataset of 91,000 recipes from product updates page

Evaluating the accuracy of's delivery estimates using beautifulsoup and matplotlib

Dashcam image containing speed limit sign

Finding Missing Speed Limits using a pipeline with OCR and PostGIS

Dashcam screenshots visualized over openstreetmap

Searching for OpenStreetMap features with dashcam imagery enhanced with OCR