
A screenshot showing a map and list of restaurants.

Tired of picking a restaurant with your partner? Looking to explore new local restaurants? Spin the wheel and find your new favorite date spot!

A map showing planned sidewalks in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Sidewalks that are planned to be built in Charlottesville from 2024-2030.

A colored map showing hospital ownership in Virginia.

A visualization of hospital ownership in Virginia derived from OpenStreetMap data.

A graph of predicate device data

A webapp to improve the FDA's 510k medical device database with enhanced predicate device data.

A map of North America showing the drive time to the nearest hospital.

A map visualizing the travel time by car to the nearest hospital in North America.

A map of Virginia showing the drive time to the nearest hospital.

A map visualizing the travel time by car to the nearest hospital in Virginia. Powered by OpenStreetMap.

A low polygon picture of a sunflower.

Convert images into low-polygon art using Delauney triangulation.

Painting of a mouse in a baseball cap.

Guess the missing plaque information for famous paintings that were made in another timeline. Images generated with stable diffusion.

A network graph of recipes

A network graph visualization of ingredients scraped from 91,000 recipes.

Pulleys inspired by Piet Mondrian

Generative art. A system of pulleys inspired by Piet Mondrian.

An Appalachian sunset

Generative art. An Appalachian sunset.